Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Seven Pounds Vs "Hammerblow!!!"

1) Seven Pounds is decent.
2) Emotionally grabbed wife but not me
3) I would easily pay a dollar to see this film but not again.
4) "Hammerblow!!!" is great to play during the emotional scenes of this film.
5) I would not watch this film with an emotionally unbalanced emo person.

Seven Pounds is a movie staring Will Smith that my wife pulled out of the Redbox at Walgreens. We paid a dollar to watch this movie and neither of us had heard of it beforehand.

Now I have an open mind and I'm willing to try out new and different things, especially if it only costs me a dollar. We sat down to watch it with our rottweiler trying to sleep between us on the couch.

My rottweiler is named Vader and we have a game we like to play. I basically make exaggerated attack moves at him while shouting the name of the move I'm making. He in turn stares at me with complete adoration while I pretend to beat him down. It relieves stress for both of us. Today's game was "Hammerblow!!!" and both Vader and my wife really had a good time with this one.

Spoiler Alert!

The movie starts out with Will Smith's character, Ben Thomas calling 911 to report his own suicide. Then he calls Woody Harrelson's character Ezra. Ezra is blind and Ben basically says the worst things you could think of and say to a blind person. Making fun of his never being able to see the ocean and such. At this point in the movie I was stoked. Will Smith committing suicide AND making fun of a blind guy! That was awesome and different! However, the movie took a slow downturn and kept running to the bottom after that.

You spend a bit of time trying to figure out what is going on. Which is great for about 10 minutes. You come to realize that Ben is meeting the people that he wants to donate his body parts and finances to after he commits suicide. He meets the people to find out if they are "worthy" of his sacrifice. Almost everybody shown makes the cut with a couple exceptions. A love interest develops between Ben and Emily (the woman who he wants to donate his heart to). The tension at the end consists of whether or not he is going to follow through with his well laid out suicide plan or choose to live life with this new woman. The choice is made for him when he finds out that donating his heart is likely the only way Emily will live.

End of Spoiler!

Now I am not a "Fast and the Furious" guy, but I am closer to being one than say a "You've got Mail." ... "guy". I'm not big on the emotional stuff but I can handle bits of it if there's something else going on that is interesting. After I understood what was happening in Seven Pounds the rest of the movie I was basically waiting for the conclusion so I could go play some WoW or Xbox.
Whenever the movie got particularly slow, I would interject by yelling "Hammerblow!!!" and mock thumping my dog. This kept everybody alert and awake, especially my dog because I did not want him to miss anything important. I know my wife enjoyed this because she kept giving me this pinched faced look. Long ago I decided to interpret her looks in my own way. As she is still married to me and gives me this particular look quite often, I have decided that this is a "I love what you're doing!" look.

The only problem I had with the movie other than the fact that it was kinda boring was that it glorified suicide. With the uprising of emoism everywhere and the fact that I work in a treatment center for troubled youths and see suicidal children everyday, I feel that at this point in time the world could use less of that. I'm not saying that I believe this movie would cause anybody to actually go and commit suicide. However as I have had to argue many times about how living your life is better than killing yourself, I feel that making suicide a noble act in a movie starring Will Smith makes it that much harder to convince some of these kids that suicide is never a viable option.

What do you think?

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